Get your veins ready for summer

Get your veins ready for summer


There is always the temptation to put many medical treatments off for another day. But then that day doesn’t come, and the problem remains.

Let’s assume what we all (or most of us anyway) long for – a summer of abundant sunshine and pleasant heat. What are the consequences?

High temperatures cause an expansion in all superficial blood vessels, notably varicose veins, themselves a sign of venous insufficiency. The swelling in the legs becomes extremely uncomfortable and often exceptionally painful.

If you come into the summer with swollen varicose veins, the additional heat may cause the veins to widen further and fill with extra blood. These veins will also come to the surface, and if you feel bad, you are also likely to look bad.

Furthermore, summer is traditionally the time for travel. Both car and air journeys, especially when prolonged, can mean long periods of standing without moving. The result is frequent stagnation of the blood and possible thrombosis.

Now, of course, there are many helpful actions that sufferers can opt for that will alleviate the issues of varicose veins in the summertime. Stay as cool as possible, turn on the air conditioning, wear sunscreen and stay as covered up as you are comfortable with.

Your diet is also important. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, and eat healthy foods. Exercise helps – as does sitting with your feet up and wearing compression stockings when the pain becomes unbearable.

But the best option is to remove those troublesome veins, and it’s easy, painless, and won’t eat into your summertime.

Consumers will discover many different treatments available to people suffering from varicose veins. However, some may be a little more daunting than others, requiring weeks of wearing pressure stockings, which is not an enviable prospect in high summer temperatures.

At VVT Medical, our approach is completely different as our treatments only require a few days of wearing stockings. They are also very simple and quick with no pain and minimal downtime and immediate return to routine.

If you are suffering from varicose veins, we invite you to contact us via the form below.

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